In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.
~ John Muir
has always been the Taiga Trekker motto, and no truer words have been written. My
children and I have discovered so much about the world and ourselves
during the miles we have traversed across the Anchorage area trails with
all of you. I have seen my oldest son sign his first "pleases" when he
saw the pack come out of the closet. Watched him cover his first mile on
his own two feet. Welcomed my second into a community of friends who
have become family. Learned about my own strengths and weaknesses, found
a confidence in myself I never knew I had, and honed skills I know
will serve me well in my future.
trail was gorgeous, but a testament to our group's tenacity! Those
skeeters were FEROCIOUS! We had hoped that when we made it to the inlet
on the other side of the lake, that there would be a strong enough breeze
to keep them at bay. There wasn't, so we turned around with out much
chance to take in the stellar view. If you haven't been out there you
must! End of August is a great time! There was a little rain on the way
that slowed the buggers down a little. The best place we found was right at the
lake near the parking lot. There's going to be a lot of benadryl, home
remedies, and calamine lotion tried tonight to sooth the bites! It
reminded me of a scene from one of my favorite Alaskan memoirs, Two in the Far North, written by Margaret Murie,
about their time spent on the McKenzie river in northwestern Alaska and
the swarms of mosquitoes that plague that area. A must read, by the way,
of adventuring around the state with little ones, back in the days
before planes and cars dominated travel!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for being part of this journey with us, whether you joined us this spring for your first hike or have been with us over the years! How crazy is it we can say years!
Many happy trails to you!
Harmony and the Boys