We had 12 adults and 12 kids out today. My brother joined us. He is visiting from Rhode Island. Some of the pictures were heisted from Lia's Skeddaddle blog as my camera froze up. (Hope Santa reads this blog).
Our group is beginning to evolve as we expected. The bigger kids are wanting to get out and do their own trekking! As such our group will need to make minor modifications. We may not all travel the same average speed from now on. If we could just make sure that no one is ever alone, that there are always two adults together, we will not need to worry about keeping the entire pack together. With the cold temperatures in the winter and larger animals in the spring and summer, the buddy system is important for safety.
We also collected about 25 cans of food for the local food bank today! Teresa you won the Outdoor Prize, a set of Boomarings, from your local Discovery Toys Independent Educational Consultant! I'll have them in my car for you, for the next Trek you are able to do with us.
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