Thursday, March 31, 2011

Goose Lake/University Trails

I have to admit, I woke up grumpy and really didn't want to go trekking this morning and the new spring snow didn't really help that... but I dragged myself there with an equally grumpster of a kid and as the endorphins kicked in and the sun broke through so did my attitude! I'm so thankful that I organize this group! It adds that extra fire under my butt to get there on time, even when I don't really want to. Always by the time our truck pulls up to the trailhead... I really want to. 



Arriving at Goose Lake this morning, the roads were slick and the snow was starting to peter off. The sky was still ominous and gray. By the time we had the kids bundled up to go the sun was trying to peak through the clouds so I grabbed my sunglasses at the last minute from the truck. I'm glad I did! As we trekked and chatted along the trail the sun emerged! It was stunning, shooting rays of light through the sparkling trees. Again we lingered after chatting as some of the kiddos emerged from their motion induced naps. Driving on the way out the sun had already worked her magic on the slippery streets and puddles splashed as car roared through them.

Pre trek.


  1. I may not make your treks very often but they do inspire me to do more. I am usually walking my neighborhood to get the twins a nap...its nice and the weather was great this morning, but your pics make me want to get out of my neighborhood again really soon. Maybe next week!
