In Alaska it is easy to let yourself become isolated at home with your child, even in the state's largest metropolis. This group has really helped me not only enjoy why so many people come to the Last Frontier; the great outdoors, model an active lifestyle for my child, but has grounded me by connecting me to some amazing parents. Other moms & dads are a parents best resource!
I also celebrated on the way home and picked up a new (off craigslist) GPS watch to record our hikes distances, elevation gain etc... Oh and maybe it will help with my half-hearted marathon training.
Sometimes the mornings don't go as planned, and some parents and kiddos had to turn around, but that's par for the course. At least they attempted. Everytime you join us for a whole hike or just part, you're laying the groundwork for a lifetime of outdoor adventures. Getting children used to hiking on their own or in a pack takes time and baby steps. Sometimes its hard to just get out the door (that's why I love leading the group... I have to & I need that extra fire under my butt). Sometimes it isn't worth the battle and we try again next week. Don't get discouraged if the first week doesn't go smoothly. Starting a new routine usually isn't easy, at least in my experience.
It was a great hike and feast, thank you!