Mark your calendars!
Mark your calendars - April 12th is our 2 year anniversary hike! Bring a treat to share and we'll celebrate 2 years of fresh air, exercise, and good friends after we hike! RSVP here: Can it be?! Our babies are getting so big and many of us have had or are having our second generation Trekkers since then!
This year's anniversary we are honoring and celebrating our dear friend Casey who is currently receiving treatment in Texas and kicking cancer's butt! Casey was the only other parent with me on the very first Taiga Trekkers hike. We bonded over the cosleeping patterns we fell into but never imagined we would, and our love for Alaska, as our little ones slept in their strollers on the thawing Coastal Trail from Earthquake Park. We hope to send some postitive energy her way during the Trek. We can't wait till she and her now 2 beautiful munchkins can join us on the trail again! Some of Casey's friends have formed Team Casey, part of Team in Training, to raise money for cancer research. If you feel compelled you can donate to to their efforts here.
Here's a look back down memory lane of some of our Treks!
Thank you for that trip! I love seeing all the pictures, so many memories. Makes me feel so lucky to be a part of such a wonderful group. Thank you Harmony for starting this!